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Star Gazer update?


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  • Baller

Does anyone know if this will be a software upgrade, free of charge, for existing customers; or something all together new?  I bought one of the first units and shortly after I had to send it back for a newly released upgrade.  Just wondering if this will work the same way.


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  • Baller

Reveived this answer to my email regarding the problem I had with practice mode on my Version 7.04:-


That is one of the first versions produced so they may be something happening in practice mode I don’t know about, but it should work as you would expect.  Sometimes it’s as simple as a return spring issue.  Also you might want to look at the baseline for that speed to make sure it is accurate.  It first engages to the RPM baseline, then 5 seconds later looks and adjusts to the actual boat speed. Upgrades will be handled with a little updater module.  You attach this little device to the Master Module and it updates the software in 2 minutes.  These will be $70 US and should be available within the next couple weeks.  They are small enough then can be simply mailed saving a lot of the shipping cost.

Thank You,

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  • Baller

I have the update installed as of a couple of days ago.  $75 plus $30 to ship this thing that's smaller than an SD card.  I need to remember that they default 2 day air to the States and that I should remind them to save me money on shipping.

 Anyhow, from memory, there is very little different, if anything, with the pull.  For wired throttle boats, there was an adjustment to the servo "roll back" so that it will lock in on speed better. 

 Issue with surging in turns is supposedly fixed.

 You can set things up in open water without a course.

 For early adopters who got their free upgrade quickly (approximately pre-April 2008), this system is pure gps with no use made of the paddle wheel whatsoever.  I think there are a few other adjustments, but that's all I can remember.


Great site by the way.  My first post.

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  • Baller

We're good. All of the lakes we frequent are over 100% full.


Central Texas is another story. Travis is around 62% full. Champion is only at 74%.


We've had a lack of rain to an extent, but we got a lot last week. I guess we weren't all that bad.



Thanks for the welcome!

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  • Baller


Since buying your first Stargazer,how much  in upgrade versions has it cost you?

Hope is gonna help you getting into 38 off.../vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-wink.gif


My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

 Hey, Andre.  You guys thawed out yet?

This is the first time I've paid for a SG update.  They tweaked the software about a month after I bought it (the tweak that added the gate and 1/3 ball adjustments and N/L settings.  That was a free Master Module swap with reimbursed shipping.  After that, I had some system save issues and swapped probably five master modules with them in the process and spent a great deal of time on the phone with them trouble shooting.  In the end, they changed the way the system saved information, i.e. baselines, from doing it at shutdown when it sensed a voltage drop to auto saving every five seconds.  It is my understanding that that became a production line wide improvement.  I was sent modules next day air each time and was reimbursed for all of my shipping (around $18 each time) for every module I sent back.  For as big of a pain as it was to have an issue, I was really glad to have that kind of customer service backing me up. They released the first pure GPS version about a month after that.  I called to ask about it and Gary told me that they still preferred the speed overlay system for the time being (I got the feeling they were going toward  pure gps more out of competitive necessity.  More likely, they didn't want to ship me any more modules that year.  This update will be worth it for me if only to get rid of gassing the skier in the turn around.  Never bothered me.  I drop and rest.

 As for 38 off, I blew through that the minute I got that hole in my sock fixed.  These days, I'm trying it on a ski though. Tongue out

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  • Baller

So what's the thought's on upgrading my 7.04 now Vs later. Our season DownUnder is almost over so if I did order an upgrade now I'd probably have to wait till September to get to use it.

That being the case is there likely to be a bit more minor tweaking or changes between now & when our next season kicks off in September.

My main issue currently is driving with a short setup. Myself & another experienced driver have no problems getting good times most the time, but drivers with less experience have a bit of trouble getting up to speed & getting the system engaged early enough for a good run more often than not. Will this be greatly improved when I upgrade.



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  • Baller
I'd wait until right before your season starts again. The update doesn't take long to do, so IMO, best to wait until you know that what you will have to start with is the latest. I was supposed to get out and give it a turn this afternoon, but had a little boat trouble and had to pack it in early.
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  • Baller

No paddlewheel? Is the slalom feel different? Does it feel like ZO?

Kirk is about to drill the hull in his old American Skier for the paddlewheel. Should he wait? And has anybody tricked with the new GPS only Stargazer?


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  • Baller

Some user error caused me to have to hightail it back to the ramp on Sunday before I got a chance to ski behind the new update.  So no long-line, low speed, done by the three ball SG update review from me I'm afraid.

Look at it this way.  If he drills for the paddle wheel and eventually updates to SG, he can use still it for lake water temperature.

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  • Baller

I set up the mech SG version in my 99 malibu recently.   The open water calibration is fine if you are just going to free ski. My initial calibration was Capture mode.    If you are skiing a course regularly it's more accurate if you calibrate it with the timer function through the course.     I found that it is very sensitive to 2 things if you want a perfect pull.   1) crew weight 2) driver ability to pull up and not over throttle around the turn island (short set up, mech version).    You can drive around the island without disengaging but our turn area is so tight we pull back for the island anyway so the system functions fine just like normal PP.   I really like the lightweight adjustment as it really smooths out the entrance to the gates.  I weigh 160lb and I started out using normal but tried the L and it's much more even and I get a better gate without having to adapt to the speed change on N.  I really like feel the SG pull.  This replaced my old Accuski which was my favorite from the handle end of the boats we have at the club.  



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  • Baller
Although the pull is nice, and I like the addition of the feather weight and Xtra heavy weight, the new version is damn finicky. If you overshoot the set point for your speed on pull up and don't pull the throttle back quickly enough, you're pretty much guaranteed that the things going to run away through the gates.  PP has sent me a 2nd box and it's just as bad.
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  • Baller

We pull up as we are going into the back of the island.   What has been working for us is to limit the rpms to 2900 around the back side and when you come out from the island-DONT TOUCH THE THROTTLE.   The rpms go up to about 3300 as the boat planes out and the system beeps on the way by the rpm setpoint.  By the 55m it's settled in which is fine for me as that is where I pull out.   I still have drivers goof it up though. 

Shane, I'm guessing you are on the mechanical throttle too?

One of the boats has the DBW with SG and it's not anywhere near as sensative to over throttling.  It beeps and just cuts the rpms pdq.



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  • Baller

Scot- what is it that you are not liking about the SG?   That was actually my thought while I was trying to figure out SG and not liking it, is that I would buy a switch and just dial in the PP classic.  I skied classic without the switch and it really wanted to run on me at the buoy.    I noticed that if I really load up off the ball SG will run on me at the next ball but finally get dialed down.  If I don't have to scrap a buoy SG is dreamy smooth all the way down.    I personally have only skied 8 sets on it and pulled about that many skiers as driver so far.  






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  • Baller
Yes, mine is mechanical. I'm seriously considering sending it back and putting my 6.5ng master module back in. It's stupid that a boat that anyone could drive, now is not that way. You have to baby the throttle completely or else it will take off. Every time I drive it, it pisses me off.
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