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http://www.edgeskifilms.com/evolve%20images/Evolve-DVD-Cover.gif         pixel.gif pixel.gif
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I will be shipping out my first copys of Evolve  (Dawg, Thager and Barker) today. Get them while they are hot.
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  • Baller

Thanks John,

Can't wait as winter is setting in here in MN. Will have loan it to MS to keep his sanity. Snowing and cool 30 degrees today making  MS more like PMS! Not a pretty sight with his withdrawals and all. 

 thager /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-wink.gif


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After seeing that there are 65.5 inch Sauces out there now, I may want to give that a ride. Has anyone tried the 65.5 Sauce?

If you have been to Bossier City, skip all that casino crap and get yourself over to Shockleys and eat some fried cat fish. Fire up that lard bucket in the back and fill it full of filets.

I wont ski again until Feb or March unless you get a very warm Dec.

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  • Baller
Watched the Evolve video tonight.  Relatively short compared to Edged in Water.  Videos were not as revealing when it comes to studying the styles of the skiers.  Clips were short, over edited and shot from angles that made it difficult to analyze what the skier was doing.  I thought the scenery would be a focus of the film based on the beginning but that was not the case.  It looked as if most was shot at H2oz which is a nice place, but doesn't add to the overall scenic layout.  The music was obviously targeted to the 18-30 demographic group - not bad but not my taste - next time I'll mute the TV and play some Floyd in the background.  All in all a nice effort but just more of the same - Edged broke some new ground - this did not.
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  • Baller
I will have 2 disagree-more scenic than jd says, but a lake is still a lake.  I enjoyed the music (different than the talk radio I have abused during the election coverage).  I will agree that it is not video for analytical purposes, but unlike some videos it does have six turns together on most of the clips so you can see the skiers whole passes.  This is a good video for entertainment purposes and I think pj is headed in the right direction.  Keep at it kid, gets better w/ time.  BUY IT from JTH now, he has a wife to support!!!!!!!
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still have copies....... Help the wife to be is taking all my $! (not really but I do have a ton of the DVDs)
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I loved the footage and the personalities in the first Edge production. Edge himself is the coolest looking hound I have seen. I cant believe Peta didnt file a protest when they sent him into the dock head first. Poor hound.

Note to PJ.

I Hate Rap Music as much as Ham hates winter. How bout some Mens 4 music. Cure, Stones, Zep, Bodeens type of tunes.

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  • Baller

Quote from jdarwin: "MS - just do what I do - mute it and turn on some Floyd - Pulse preferably.  Live "Dark Side" is great with some skiing footage. "

It was 1974 and I had not heard much if any Pink Floyd. I go to Deland for a skydiving meet and on the way to altitude, they're playing Dark Side of the Moon on the 8 track, 8 speaker system in the plane. I bought my first (of many) Pink Floyd album the following Monday. I still have that Album as well as a CD and a SACD of it /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif

What's really strange is that I still have a turntable I can play it on...


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I am working on the intro for th Terry Winter interview and found this Evolve clip. Pretty cool.


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