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Wondering what other skiers do during practice sets


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  • Baller

I generally ski two sets, 4 days a week (Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday). I ski 28,28,32,32,35, (and either another 35 if I miss, or 38). On the 2nd set, I go up the line, 28, 32, 35, etc.

If I have a tournement that weekend and it's Thursday, I will usually start my up the line set at 22 in case I have a tail wind off the dock situation. I do this because I rarely ski 22 and I don't want to relearn it in a tournament...


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typical ride for me is two 32s & four to six 35s. I do that 2/3s of the time. The other 1/3 of the time I burn staight to 38 and work there.
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28-32-35-38 and bang away at 38 until I cant ski anymore.

Second set I will work on whatever is ailing me at the time. I try to work that stuff out at 32 or 35 and then go short.

Next season I need to put it on 39 more. I dont get enough practice at it and when I run 38 in a tourney, I am all messed up at 39 in my brain. Its tough to get balls at 39 when your hands are up around your neck.   

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  • Baller

In spring I ski some back to back passes. Then as the competition season starts I ski right down the line until I miss. If I ski well I give that pass another try or even shortening to the next line. If didn’t ski well, I back off and try to work on a problem area. I always ski 2 sets.

I would like to ski at least 4 times a week, but as it is now I am glad if I can get somebody down to the lake once a week.




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Usually ski back to back 28s, 32s and 35s if I am skiing well.  When I run back to back 35s I then take a few stabs at 38. Ocassionaly, today for example, I started with a tournament set.  The second set I skied an opener at 28, then two 32s, a partial 35 and finished with two 35s and skied happily back to the dock.  I like two mix it up some, but usallly ski each line two times before cutting to the next.

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