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Radar RS-1 First Impression

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  • Baller
Let me first state that I was not overly enthusiastic about this ski.  It’s a 67†that I thought would be too small.  I had heard that it was “lively†– whatever that means.  It was a complete redesign of a current model and finally, I’ve been riding Goode’s for 11 years and have had no luck in finding a ski that performs as well.  But I’ve been disappointed in the 9800 + (SL) and thought I would give the Radar a try. I think the ski has tremendous potential after one set.  It carries speed off the 2nd wake unlike any ski I’ve ever ridden.  It carries the speed thru the turn very well also.  It goes 90 out of the ball as well as my Goode but maintains its speed allowing me to handle the load much better. I just ran four or five 28-off passes and never felt like I had to work hard to get the ski across course.  In fact, the ski would release off the 2nd wake without much input from me.  That was the most surprising trait.  I fell over at 1 ball on more than one occasion because I was “too-early†for the amount of effort I exerted.  This is the first ski I’ve ever ridden that felt like I was holding it back.  By that, I mean that the ski really wanted to go harder than I was willing to go.  Its potential for short-line is unmistakable.  I will ride the ski again tomorrow but will probably be back on my Goode for our tournament this weekend.  But, I will definitely be back on the ski on Monday which is quite a turnaround from my attitude prior to riding it.  I wasn’t even going to take it out of the box – I was going to give it to another skier to try.  I’m glad I had a change of heart.  I think I can run a lot of buoys on this ski w/ the proper amount of water-time to get used to its characteristics – the most apparent is how effortless it gets across course, holds angle and releases off the 2nd wake.  It’s a fun ride
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  • Baller
skied it first time last night.  as fast side to side as anything i have ridden but, with the grip of the mpd.  my first pullout, i think i may have passed the boat.
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  • Baller

jdarwin - what is your weight and speed?   I'm interested in the RS-1 but haven't decided on a length.  I'm tempted to go with a 67" but sales guy is recommending a 68".  I'm 190 at 34 mph, currently on a 68" Nomad.

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  • Baller
Sorry - we had a tournament at our site this weekend and I have been tied up.  I would concur w/ Bruce on the size.  I'm 200lbs and tried the 67".  It felt nice but I think a 68" would work even better.
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Rini talked me into moving down from the 68 to the 67 and I think it is better. I really have not spent that much time on it yet and I will try the 68 again but at 192.5 lbs (and growing) the 67" is fine.
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  • Baller
 Just wondering I never been a big HO fan I like to get on the front of the ski, Does the radar have the same characteristics  as most of herbs skis. I know in the past if you climb on the nose your going out the front.
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You really can not generalize like that but no. I do not think the RS-1 is anything like any HO  

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  • Baller
 I didn't mean it like it came out when I used to ski on HO I knew I had to to be on the back of my ski when I did they were amazing . 2 extremes and a cdx. What I'm asking is can you climb on the nose when your running late.Herb makes great skis I'm very interested in the new rs-1. My problem is when I get late I bury the tip and hold on for dear life.
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  • Baller
After reading all your comments I have now purchased an RS-1, it would be good to know what settings you are using. I have read plenty of positives about the ski what about the negatives i.e  setting it up, does it tolerate bad habits? how did it compare to your previous ski etc.
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  • Baller_
Good choice on ski selection.  Mine is a 68".  I ski RFF with my plate forward to the second from last notch, my fin settings are now .815 DFT, 2.515 Deep, and 6.885 Overall with tips.  I'm trying to eliminate my bad habits, but with the speed of an RS-1 it'll scrap out passes if needed !
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  • Baller

cliveous - I just received my RS-1 on Saturday and my previous ski is a NOMAD.  The RS-1 is a 68", with RS-1 boots.  I'm LFF, 190 lbs, at 55 kph.  I set the fin at 17 1/2" to rear boot, 2.505, 6.855 tips, 0.785, 9degrees.  I pulled these numbers from Chris Rossi's site.  http://www.proskicoach.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=249   After three sets on the ski, I haven't felt the need to change the setings.  I find myself wide at 22 and 28 off as the ski effortlessly casts me out off of the second wake.  At 32 off, I am carrying too much speed into the buoy, and will need to adjust either my technique or the fin.  I haven't gone blue yet, but am hoping to soon.  I'm planning on at least 5 more sets before touching the fin settings.  I agree with richarddoane on the ability to scrap out a pass as the couple of times I got late at 22 and 28 off, it was easy to make it up across the course. 

Other impressions on the ski: workmanship is not up to par with the last several D3's I've bought.   Top skin on the ski is not trimmed very well as it is jagged around the tip of the ski.  A spot on the very tail on the bottom of the ski is rough enough that I'm going to ask the ski shop about it. 

Horton - her bottom may be nice, but I'm not so sure about the white top.  I've got a skin on order for her from skiskinz.com


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  • Baller

thanks very much Weappa, excellent detail. I will not get to ski on mine for a couple of weeks, I think I will do same as you and checkout Chris Rossi's site. I went from a D3 X5 to a Fischer blue 65" which was to small and to soft, I have purchased 67" which should be better for me at 175lbs.   thanks again.

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I goofed and went to the smaller ski this spring. At 190 (ish) I skied well on the 68 last year and was planning to ski on the 67 this year. I loved the 67 when I got it but as my skiing came up to par I realized that the slilghtly undersized ski required me to be way more technical. If I got really wide  and punished the finish, the ski was just not big enough. I will have a 68 RS-1 some time this week. If not, my last years black 68 MPD really is the best ski I have ever skied on.

I did find (Thanks to Rini) that with the undersized RS-1, moving the fin back a bit would smooth things out. He told me to go to .745. I ended up all the way to .711 and the ski is pretty darn good in that trim. So my 67" numbers as of today are 2.495 - 6.850 -.711. I am pretty confident that if the ski was not undersized for my weight (Talent Level) I would need the fin forward at .76 to .78.


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  • Baller
A follow-up from my comments above.  I sent an e-mail to the dealer regarding the workmanship and within ten minutes had a call from the RADAR rep asking for more information and photos.  Impressive!
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  • Baller_
Cliveous - I was previously on a 68" MPD, so the RS-1 isn't a big learning curve.  Those are the #'s that I've ended up with, 9' on the wing (screws up).  I'm 6', 185#, and like Horton - need to keep to the Lite beer !
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  • Baller
Another update on my RS-1.  Sent off pictures of the ski to RADAR late last night.  Eddie Roberts called first thing this morning and there's a new ski on the way.  GREAT customer service from RADAR on this.   
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