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My new girl has a great looking bottom


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Rode her last night in the wind. I think she freak'n rocks but hard to tell in the wind.


I am riding her bone stock for a fer rides. The new stock fin is the old HO shape and is very will made.

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  • Baller
There are a couple of them at Ski Ranch this weekend - Open skiers.  Ian Trapp ripped on his.  He and T-Moore have some different thoughts on the fin.  Stock length and depth.  DFT around .750.  Start moving the fin back until the tip drops in nicely and you're done.  Pretty cool looking ski and it seems to perform well.  Can't wait to try one.
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my ski is at the lake and the weather sucks so I am not going out but I will get you the numbers that came on my ski when I can.

I think it is something like 6.683/ 2.49 /.78 (tips/ head) Check back tues AM 

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It made it home. I am waiting for Horton to wake up and make the call.

After watching all the video, I have some serious issues with gate and 1 ball. I need to get some work in on that but it is only 60f here again and it got into the 30s last night. Our water is back down to 60f.

All you Al Gore, global warming Kooks ought to come up here and ski.  

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Forget global warming. Climate change is killing me. Temp dropped like 30 degrees last week and wind every day!  



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  • Baller

 These are posted on the Performance Surf and Ski site for the RS-1


Fin Setup:..................Bindings.......Fin Length........Fin Depth....DFT

                   66":.......28 7/8â€ÂÂ..........6.850.................2.48.........0.74

                   67":.......29 1/4â€ÂÂ..........6.870.................2.50.........0.78

                   68":.......30â€Â  ..............6.880.................2.505.......0.79

These setting are to the best to date stock settings. We will always be testing new setups for these skis and learning the potential of the RS-1. This is a ski that will offer tremendous variety in settings to the skier who wants to keep pushing the envelope. The stock settings have been tested and give a very solid first impression of the potential awaiting the skier.

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I got a taller girlfriend and a short one for a friend. I love it when the UPS fairy comes to my house. 



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