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2008 Independent Ski Tests


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I am finally planning the 08 Tests. The format will be a little different from a testing perspective but the article should look familiar. The Tests will be sometime in late fall and in So Cal. If you want to be involved let me know.  

I think I will set up a Ski Test specific forum for those involved.


I am off to a Big Dawg this week but when I get back the tests are the next big thing on my calendar.  


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That is a great question. I need skiers who can give good feedback. In the past I have used high end skiers but I plan to spread out the ablity levels as much as I can.

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Awesome! I don't envy you when it comes to interview time :)

I'm guessing there are a hundred skiing animals out there like me who can go all day long, day after day, and would LOVE to get in on something like that. I'll be sure to keep an eye out here when you finally call for resumes.


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  • Baller

I would be interested in what your testers have to say about D3.

I would also be interested in a product review of different bindings. 

With all the hoopla of hardshell vs. rubber - you could generate some good conversation.


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The test team is slowing forming. If you think you belong but you have not gotten an invite drop me a line
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Maybe . . . check your email. I will be looking at the team make up over the next few days.

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The team is almost set but I need a couple of 36MPH guys.  Email me if you want in.
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  • Baller
Man, I hope those dudes are at least wearing wetsuits over the top of em.   
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If getting ready for the Ski Tests was not stress enough the darn forum crashed this week! AHHaaaaaaaaaaaaa! It only took 3 hours to fix and I am on my way to a late night UPS pickup to get something off the truck that I need for the tests.

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going to sleep now  . . . will talk to you guys when i wake up in about a month.
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Oh, just me and my stupidity.

I had a mis-cue with a ski that I should have taken back to the dock briefly before pushing too hard. I don't know why they call this damn thing a walking cast, it's not like you can walk with itYell much less drive the truck.

Oh well. When the pictures come out I'll be the one standing in the cooler with the duct tape in my hand.Laughing

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  • Baller_


 Bummer on the break!  Carol and I are sorry to hear about it.  At least you can kick your subordinates in the rear and get them going!  Will this delay going back over to the desert?

 Heal quick.

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Yes, I'll be staying close to the office for a while. I do heal quickly and Thank-you for the kind thoughts. It's not that big of a deal, I'm walking on it and hope to get one more run through the course with the help of Brad's duct tape job he showed me.

One of my personal goals for the week was to try and get every ski into my PB rope length so I was planning on pushing it pretty hard. At that rate it was only a matter of time before something happened. Laughing

I wouldn't have traded that week for anything. It was a blast! Great people, great experience, hope to do it again.



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Bill you are an animal!  BTW after we b*tched about the radio stations in Bakersfield ALL week I realized about an hour outside of LA that our d@mn car had Sirius Radio...  ugh



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  • Baller

Still kicking Bill.  I've already started hitting the gym to work on rehabing my beat up shoulders (and beat up knees and beat up back and ...).  As much as I hate that the season is over it's good to have a little recovery time.  Hope the ankle is better soon.


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Hmmmm. Already talking about how I would like to to the 09 Test even though I swear 08 is the last year.
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It did go very well. I am just always working on a better mouse trap.
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